The Counterfeiters (Die Fälscher)

A fabulously done Austrian film about a skilled counterfeiter who gets put in the counterfeiting section of a concentration camp during World War II. Him and a few select others are chosen to help the Nazis attempt to counterfeit both the British pound and the American dollar. The rapport among the men in the counterfeiting section is what intrigued me. Some were so sickened by helping the Nazis they came close to self-destruction. Some saw this "duty" as easy work...a way out of hard labor and even out of being killed. The performances are all spot-on and each of the characters is unique and very well-constructed...and even with the dark, grizzly subject matter, we keep watching because we have to find out how all of these characters end up. Any Holocaust film is tough to watch...and hard to say you really "like." I mean, can you "like" a film about death and atrocity? So, avoiding that, I will say this film is well-done and extremely powerful.

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